A selection of tools for various uses is presented here. Note, these are external applications and this project, in general, has no control over them in terms of availability, reliability, functionality and so forth. Contact the relevant personnel associated with those applications for any and all issues encountered in use.

Computer Assisted Translation

OmegaT+ provides various functions for translators to edit and process documents for translation, including translation memory, full and partial matches, glossary function, search engine, support for various document types, and translation projects.


bitext2tmx is a tool to converter parallel texts into TMX format for use in other tools during translation. It makes a preliminary attempt to align segments and the user must further edit the results to create usable TMX as output. Requires Java.

LF Aligner helps translators create translation memories from texts and their translations. It relies on Hunalign for automatic sentence pairing. Input: txt, doc, docx, rtf, pdf, html. Output: tab delimited txt, TMX and xls. With web features.

Translate Toolkit is a collection of useful tools for localization. It can convert between various translation formats (such as Gettext PO formats, XLIFF, OpenOffice.org, and Mozilla formats).


TBXCheck validate an arbitrary TBX data file for XML well-formedness, DTD and Schema validation, and XCS validation. Requires Java.

Validator checks TMX for adherence to standards and indicates errors. It also can clean out invalid XML characters and be called from command line in scripts for use with other programs. Requires Java.

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